Thursday, September 5, 2024

Freezing & Preserving White Peaches


White peaches are amazing eaten fresh but what do you do to preserve the abundance of peaches you harvest?  Canning is not an option. The pH of white peaches is 4.6 making it a low acid food which means that canning in a water bath canner is not safe.  There are also no safe pressure canning recipes for white peaches either. (Pennsylvania State University Extension)

White peaches have a pure white or slightly blushed flesh and are sweeter than yellow peaches.  They are so amazing eaten fresh, used in salads, fruit salads, and grilled.

White peaches are not recommended for baking.  The don't hold their shape and the flavor when baked is not as intense as yellow peaches.

So..... the best way to preserve this intense sweetness is to freeze, dehydrate, or freeze dry white peaches.  Dehydrated and freeze dried white peaches are an amazing snack. Store in mason jars with oxygen absorbers and vacuum seal the jar. 

Vacuum Sealer for Canning Jars 

Freezer Containers

Frozen white peaches can be used in:

  • Shakes
  • Smoothies
  • Homemade ice cream
  • Thawed they can be mixed in yogurt or oatmeal
  • Blended and combined with vanilla yogurt to make popsicles

White Peach Pudding Smoothie

  • 1 pint frozen peaches
  • 2½ cups cold milk or unsweetened almond beverage
  • 1 pkg. (4-serving size) instant vanilla pudding

Freezing Methods for Peaches:

Select fully ripe fruit. Wash, peel, pit, and slice peaches.  Use on of the following methods:

Sugar Pack:  Combine 2/3 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons of Fruit-Fresh set aside.  Measure 1 quart of sliced fruit, sprinkle with sugar mixture. Gently toss to coat and allow to stand for 10 minutes.  This allows the sugar to dissolve.  Pack sliced fruit and syrup into plastic freezer jars or containers leaving 1/2 inch head space.  You can also vacuum seal peaches. Seal, label  and freeze.

Puree:  Combine 2 cups sliced fruit, 2 Tbsp sugar, and 1 1/2 teaspoon of Fruit Fresh.  Put mixture in a food processor and puree.  Pack puree into plastic freezer jars or plastic freezer containers.  Leave 1/2 inch head space.  Place a piece of freezer wrap over the top of puree to prevent discoloration.  Seal, label, and freeze.

These methods can be used with yellow peaches, nectarines, or apricots also.

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