Friday, July 26, 2024

When to Harvest Sweet Corn

Roasted and slathered in butter and herbs, nothing says summer more than sweet corn on the cob!

Harvesting Sweet Corn

  • Harvest when the ears are plump, silks are dry, and ears tips out.  
  • Enjoy! Sweet corn does not store well in the field.  It does not store long after it has been harvested.  The sugars turn to starch and that great sweet corn  flavor is lost.  
Read to harvest and enjoy!

  • If you want to enjoy it fresh remove some of the outer husks put it in plastic bags and keep it in the refrigerator.  It should be used in 2 or 3 days otherwise it goes starchy.
  • Corn can be frozen or canned. Try one these great recipes for preserving corn.  

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