Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Building a Healthy Soil: Basic Gardening Series #3

Understanding the Need for Organic Matter

Browse the products in a seed catalog, attend a garden expo, or visit your local nursery and you will see endless products that claim to build your soil or guarantee a bountiful, healthy garden. Then add all the tips and tactics available to you on the internet and it suddenly becomes overhelming.  What works?  What doesn't work?  What do plants really want?

Plants want uninterrupted growth from the time the seed germinates until harvest.  A gardener does that by trying to meet all a plants needs.  That includes water, light, temperature, and nutrients, and protecting plants from anything that interrupts growth like pests, disease, weather, or moisture fluctuations.

Sounds simple yet it can be challenging for even that most experienced gardener.  So where do you start and focus your efforts to ensure uninterrupted growth.  I believe you focus first on building your soil. 

Cauliflower, onions, and celery

If you have chosen a good garden site and built your raised beds  you are ready to add the soil. 

Your Garden Soil
A healthy soil is the key component of an organic gardener.  If you take care of your soil; soil biology takes care of your plants.  Soil is much more than dirt.  It is composed of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and is teeming with life.  This soil life is critical to the organic gardener.  

Organic matter is critical to a healthy soil life.  Healthy bacteria and fungi are decomposers and organic matter is on the menu.  Garden soils should have 4%-10% organic matter.  Organic matter feeds the microbes and the microbes make nutrients available to the plant.  Increasing organic matter creates a living soil capable of supporting the demands of your plants. 

  Utah soils, where I live, have less than 2 % organic matter and are extremely compacted.  Soils with higher levels of organic matter still need to have organic matter replaced because they are continually broken down by microorganism.  A healthy soil life means a healthy, happy plants.

What is organic matter?Organic matter is the poster child of organic gardening. Organic matter comes from living materials, such as manures and plant material, that are decomposed.  Organic material is not the same as organic material.  Organic materials are  not decomposed such as straw, manure, grass clippings etc. and should first be put in the compost pile.  

There are 3 types of organic matter:
1.  Compost which is decomposed plant materials and manure
2.  Aged manures 
3.  Cover crops which are specific crops grown then turned into the soil. They are selected with a specific goal in mind and generally planted in late summer or fall.

My pumpkin patch

Organic matter can be added to your garden in four ways:
1.  In the fall after the beds are cleaned out the soil can be covered with 1-2 " of compost or aged manure.

2.  In the spring when you are preparing your beds.  

3.  Compost can be added to the planting holes of transplants. 

4.  Used as a mulch on the surfacewhen seedlings come up.  

If you have already been building your soil you can just add the compost to the surface but if you are just starting out then you will need to work the compost 6-8 inches into the soil.  Also if you have a raised bed or area that is not performing well then work the compost 6-8 inches into the soil.   In raised beds, a shovel or broad fork works great.  If you are planting in the ground then roto-tilling compost may be necessary for the first couple of years. 

Organic Fertilizers

Organic matter does not take the place of using an organic fertilizer.  Compost and manures do have nutrients but not a guaranteed analysis so using an organic fertilizer is recommended.

What is Organic Fertilizer?
Dry organic fertilizers include meals such as:  blood meal, bone meal, cottonseed meal, kelp meal, bat guano,  or alfalfa meal.  Premixed organic fertilizers are available or mix your own. These dry organic fertilizers provide the major nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium plus some trace minerals with the help of microbes.  Azomite or green sand are both good sources of trace minerals and soil conditioners.  

Organic fertilizer is food for microorganisms.  The microorganisms in turn supply the plants with needed nutrients.  This is a very simplified version of this amazing relationship between the soil food web and your crops.

Three ways to add a dry fertilizer:

1. Broadcast the fertilizer on top of the soil along with your compost and work it into the bed with a shovel.

2. Broadcast the fertilizer over the raised bed and covered it with 1-2 inches of compost.  

3. A very small handful can be added to transplanting holes along with compost.  For plants that are direct seeded and heavy feeders such as pumpkins, squash, and melons you can dig a hole add compost and small handful of fertilizer fill the hole in and plant your seeds.  Extra compost and fertilizer will be down in the root zone as the plant grows.

Liquid Organic Fertilizers

Liquid fertilizers are faster acting than a dry fertilizer.  Since the soil needs to warm before microbes become active, liquid fertilizer such as fish emulsion and sea kelp help fill in the gap.

Liquid fertilizers can also be used at important growing cycles such as when you transplant or true leaves appear, when buds breaks, and when fruit first starts to appear.  

Fish emulsion is mixed in a watering can  2 Tbs/ gallon and applied around the root zone.  It's fine to wet the leaves

Sea kelp is used more as a foliar spray meaning it can be mixed in a sprayer and applied directly on the leaves.  

It's important to remember that organic fertilizer without organic matter does not build your soil structure and should be used along with adding organic matter.

So the best way to build soil is to add organic matter on a regular basis.  Expensive products that promise amazing results while they may be useful are not going to do much to change your soil without organic matter.  

Healthy soil has a healthy soil food web and a good soil structure (the way soil particles are bound together to create pores for air, water, and roots to penetrate)  Both of these goals can be  accomplished by simply adding organic matter.  


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Culinary Herbs Part 2: Herbs Best Grown from Transplants.

This is the second part in a two part series of creating a culinary herb garden.  Culinary herbs are both useful and beautiful.  They are easy to grow and have both culinary and medicinal value for you and your family. 

If you are venturing into the world of herbs for the first time then culinary herbs are a good place to start.  The herbs discussed in this part are those best grown from transplants or cuttings.  Part 1 of Culinary Herbs focuses on herbs you can grow from seed. Although they are easy to grow from seed, culinary herbs are usually easy to find potted at your local nursery.

Herbs Best Grown from Transplants

Sage, oregano, thyme, tarragon, and mints 

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage is an essential herb in stuffing for chicken, turkey and pork. It is a strong flavor. Whether used in cooking or not, it is worth saving a spot in the garden for sage.

Sage is a perennial that needs full sun.  When established it is drought tolerant and is not partial to feet feet.  It needs a well drained soil.
Most sage will not grow true to type if planted from seed so purchasing transplants is recommended. Sage can be propagated from cuttings.

There are ornamental types with variegated leaves but for culinary purposes be sure plant to the plain grayish leafed variety.  All sages are a great addition to any garden because bees and pollinators love the flowers.  

Prune sage each spring.  Leave the old wood and remove the top half of each branch.  This encourages new growth from the base.

To harvest cut 6-8 inches of leaves above the woody growth before the plant flowers.  They can be air dried in bundles or in a dehydrator.


Oregano is a culinary favorite. Finding the right type for culinary use is important.  Wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare) will be a culinary disappointment. It has mild, bland flavor. It is a beautiful flowering perennial but not a good choice for culinary use.  Unfortunately it is often sold for that purpose at the garden centers and nurseries.  

Best Culinary Oregano

Greek (O. vulgare subsp. hirtum). Vigorous and very hardy. Grows to 3 feet tall with green, slightly hairy foliage. Greek oregano is generally best for most culinary uses, with 'Kaliteri' (a strain within the species) delivering the truest of oregano flavor (see below). Zone 5

'Kaliteri' (O. vulgare 'Kaliteri'). This Greek strain is truly among the best (kaliteri means "the best" in Greek). Grows to 18 inches tall with silvery gray foliage. Spicy and flavorful without being too bitter. Zones 6 & 7

Italian (O. 5 majoricum
). Also sold as Sicilian oregano or hardy sweet marjoram. Italian oregano is an exquisite blend of sweet and spicy, without the bitterness of more intense types. That characteristic flavor varies, however, as Italian oregano is a hybrid resulting from crossing sweet marjoram with oregano. Plant form, leaf size, and color can vary depending on the parents, but most plants are upright in growth to 2 feet tall, with small pale green to gray-green leaves. Wonderful fragrance and gourmet flavor. Zone 7
(Rodale's Organic life)

Oregano makes a nice ground cover.

Sweet Marjoram is more delicate than oregano.  I purchase seeds and grow it in pots.  The seeds are very fine so just barely cover.  It is easier to find transplants to enjoy sweet marjoram.
  Oregano is a low growing compact herb.  It will need to occasionally be divide to prevent it from sprawling.  Do not over water and plant in soil that drains well. 

Harvesting:  Cut stems as you need them using the leaves in cooking.  Since oregano dries well you can make 2 large harvests by cutting it back to 2-3 inches before it flowers and then again in fall. 

You can air dry by bundling the stems and hanging in a dry, dark place or use your dehydrator.  I store the leaves on the stem in mason jars and crumble the leaves as I need them.

You can also preserve by making an infused oil or putting leaves in ice trays covering in broth, oil, or butter. 
A designated herb box in my veggie garden with salvia, catmint, and thyme.


Mints share certain characteristics:  they are perennials, with square stems, paired leaves, and whorls of small flowers.  They spread by seed and by underground rhizomes.  Because of this they are very invasive!!  They need to be contained.  I only plant them in pots.  They will seed rhizomes under raised beds and spread so you have been warned:  Beware of the square stem!

Chocolate mint in a pot with petunias.

I like to plant peppermint, spearmint,  and chocolate mint.  Pick the chocolate mint leaves and rub them between your heavenly!

Mint leaves should be dried quickly or can be enjoyed fresh in lemonades, mint waters, on vegetable dishes and fruits.

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)

French tarragon is the herb for culinary use.  It is a mix of anise, licorice, pepper, and basil flavor.  Russian tarragon which is sometimes sold as a culinary herb in seed is a bad choice.  It has a repugnant, bitter flavor.  Rub the leaves and smell your fingers to be sure you are purchasing French Tarragon. Do not purchase seed even if it is labeled French tarragon.  The French variety is only propagated by cuttings or root division.

Pick leaves and use fresh.  It does not dry well.  If you are unfamiliar with tarragon it is often blends with other herbs.  

Fines Herbs
Chervil leaves minced
Chives chopped
Parsley leaves minced
French Tarragon leaves minced
Use equal parts

Fines herbes are good on scrambled eggs, in salads, mayonnaise, butters, vinaigrette, and on vegetables.  (Herb Companion May 2012)

 Bonnes Herbes
Basil leaves minced
Chervil leaves minced
Chives chopped
Dill sprig
tarragon leaves minced
fresh ground pepper

Very good in potato and egg salads, pasta, rice, and in salad dressings. (Herb Companion May 2012) 
It is best to enjoy this herb fresh.  Drying results in a lose of flavor.  Freezing is a better options for preserving.  Chop the leaves into ice cube trays and cover with broth, melted butter or  your favorite oil.  The leaves can also be preserved in oils and vinegar's.

Culinary Uses:  creamy soups, egg dishes, fish, asparagus, cauliflower, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini or mushrooms.  


The best culinary thyme is Thymus vulgaris.  It is a perennial small woody shrub.  It has similar growing conditions to oregano.  

Harvest the leaves when the flower begins to bud.  Cut the stems to 2 inches above the ground.

Thyme retains its aroma very well when dried and in cooking.
Lemon thyme

Lemon thyme is one of my personal culinary favorites.   I prefer to use it fresh or infuse in cooking oils.  It is delicious on vegetables, chicken, fish, and eggs.  It is propagated by cuttings so purchase transplants.

There are other landscape thyme's such as creeping thyme and wooly thyme which make great ground covers or are beautiful in rock gardens.  There are golden and variegated varieties which all have a purpose in landscape but not culinary use.

General Care:
 Keep weeded
Mulch lightly
Pinch back flowers,
Stake if necessary
No fertilizers just a good soil amended with compost.


Monday, March 17, 2025

Start a Medicinal Herb Garden From Seed


A hundred years ago almost every household had a home medicinal and/or culinary herb garden. Many herbs are “weedy” by nature and are easy to grow.  Herbs can have their own spot in the garden or be woven in among flower and vegetable beds.  You can also grow many in containers.

There are benefits to establishing a distinct separate herb garden.  Here are some of the benefits of creating a separate planting:

  •  It's best not to have herbs where you might need to apply an organic pesticide or fungicide.   
  • Some herbs are perennials, oregano, thyme, and mints need a permanent spot in the garden.
  • Herbs allowed to flower are a great way to attract native pollinators.
  • There are unique, beautiful designs specifically for herb gardens.


It's beneficial to have an herb garden near your vegetable garden because it makes a good habitat for native pollinators and beneficial insects.  Herb gardens can be a raised bed devoted to herbs or have a unique shape and design of there own.  Herbs need full sun 6-8 hours, and a soil rich in organic matter.  Of course you need a water source preferably not an overhead system.  And since it will contain culinary herbs, the garden should be near the kitchen so you can easily cut fresh herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes.  


I prefer to start basil seeds indoors and transplant in the garden after all danger of frost is gone.  You can direct seed basil in the garden as well in warmer planting zones. 

Pruning and harvesting are important to encourage proper growth.  As the plants grow, pinch off the tops as the flower bud form to encourage a bushier plant. Cut the plant down to the second pair of leaves when the flower bud begins to form.

Sweet Basil is the  culinary and medicinal herb.  There are many cultivars of basil that are fun to grow.

Dark Opal is a decorative dark purple variety with a slightly gingery taste.  It is a beautiful ornamental flowering plant.

Lemon and Lime Basils are wonderful used fresh but do not dry well. These are some of my favorite herbs to use on chicken, fish, and vegetables.

Cinnamon Basil is used in desserts and sweet dishes.  Try it on rhubarb.  It is a beautiful ornamental plants also.

Holy Basil or Tulsi is use as an medicinal herb.  Sweet basils also have medicinal properties useful for digestive issues.

Basils can be preserved in vinegar or oil.  Bruise the leaves and cover with your oil of choice such as olive or avocado oil. Put it in a dark area for 3-4 weeks.  Strain the oil and use in cooking. 


You can also freeze the leaves in ice cube trays with oil, butter, or a soup base. The leaves can be frozen on trays and stored in freezer bags.

Drying is OK but the flavor deteriorates in the process. Freeze drying basil is a great options.

Home apothecary Uses:   Basil is used in traditional tinctures, cider vinegar tinctures, infused oils and infused honey.


 Harvest basil early in the morning when the concentration of plant oils is highest.  The flavor deteriorates when allowed to flower.  Try picking when the flower spikes just begin to appear then pinch back any remaining flower stalks.

Basil Poultice for Bites & Stings

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs

To make the poultice mash a handful of fresh leaves.  Place the leaves directly on the insect bite or sting.  Wrap and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.  Repeat as necessary to relieve itching and stinging.

Variations:  For a more effective remedy prepare the poultice with basil and plantain leaves.

Basil Tea for Headache and Stress

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs

1 part basil leaf

1 part lemon balm leaf

1/4 part chamomile and/or lavender flower

To make the tea:

Combine the herbs and mix well. 

Use 1 tsp (if dried) or 2 tsp (if fresh) of the herb mixture per 1 cup of water.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs, let it infuse for 10-15 minutes, then strain.

Sweeten with honey or stevia if desired

To Use:

Drink warm or at room temperature.  

Headaches are also helped by soaking your feet in hot water with a couple drops of lavender EO. Also having your shoulders and neck gently rubbed. Sit back soaking your feet, drinking your tea, and having a massage and hopefully that headache fades away.  

Calendula (calendula officialis)

This sunny flower will brighten any garden and is both edible and used medicinally. It is sometimes called pot marigold.  The officials is the variety used medicinally.  Direct seed in the garden after danger of frost.

Calendula flower is beneficial in healing wounds.  It is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.  It is a common ingredient in creams, salves and ointments in treating wounds, bruises, burns and rashes.  It is gentle enough and often used to treat diaper rash and cradle cap.

Caledndula Oil

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs


Pick the calendula buds when they are just opening.  Pick on a dry sunny day when the resin will be stronger.  Your fingers will become stick from the resin with is a good sign. You can use fresh or dry  or freeze dry the flowers for use.

To make the oil:  fill a quart jar 3/4 full with calendula buds.  Add to within an 1” of the top of the jar olive oil (for medicinal purposes) or grapeseed, almond or apricot kernel oil (for cosmetic purposes)  Let the herbs and oil infuse for 3-4 weeks. Strain and store in an amber colored glass bottle or store in a dark place.  Keep in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator where oil will keep for up to a year.  

To make double strength calendula oil add fresh buds to strained oil and infuse for another 3-4 weeks.

To Use:

Apply calendula oil topically to skin rashes, eczema, and swollen lymph nodes.  It is a wonderful massage oil and great for cosmetic recipes.

Calendula Salve

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs

1 cup calendula oil

1/4 cup grated beeswax

4-6 drops lavender essential oil

To make the salve:

Warm the oil over low heat.  Add all but 1 Tbs of the beeswax stirring until melted.  As soon as the mixture has melted put a Tbsp on a small plate in the freezer for a minute or two.  Test the consistency. If you want a firmer salve add the rest of the beeswax.  If you want a softer salve add more oil.  Add the essential oil.  Pour into small tins or small glass jars.  Store in a cool dark place.

To use:Apply salve topically to treat wounds, cuts, rashes, diaper rash or cradle cap.  The Lavender essential oil is not just a scent but antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti fungal.

Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Dill is a hardy annual that can be grown for the leaves, flowers or seed.  Warning! It will self sow abundantly throughout the garden if allowed to go to seed.  It is a good companion herb with cabbage.

Dill leaves can be picked fresh at anytime.  Add to cooking at the end so you don't destroy the flavor.  Dill is good fresh in sour cream sauces, on vegetables, and potatoes.

For pickling, harvest the flower-heads when they have both flowers and unripe seeds.  

The flower-heads can be used to flavor vinegar's and  of course for dill pickles.

Harvest seeds as they begin to turn brown.  Cut the whole head and hang the heads upside down in a dry place with something under them to catch the seeds. I use dill seed to flavor dilly beans and dill pickles.  

 The oil from the leaves and especially the seeds is a gentle sedative and soothing digestive aid. Sucking on dill seeds calms digestive issues. 

Dill water has long been used to calm colicky babies.  To make your own dill water, steep a teaspoonful of bruised seeds in a glass of hot water for  20-30 minutes.  Strain, then sweeten the mixture if desired.  Adults can take 1 Tbs and children 1 tsp.  (The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices)