Friday, June 21, 2024

Chicken Eggs Vs. Duck Eggs


While everyone is familiar with chicken eggs here's what you should know about duck eggs.  My preference in most cases in duck eggs.  Here's some reasons why:

  • Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs
  • The whites in chickens are runnier than duck eggs because they have hight water content.
  • Duck eggs have larger yolks than chicken eggs
  • Duck eggs have a higher yolk to white ratio
  • Duck eggs are excellent for baking
  • Duck eggs have thicker shells and are richer than chicken eggs
  • Certain breeds of duck are good year round layers and with much less light necessity.  Mine lay through the winter. Take a short spring break and start laying again.
  • Duck eggs contain 30% more protein than chicken eggs
  • Duck eggs contain a different protein which means if you are allergic to chicken eggs you can try duck or if bothered by duck eggs you can try chicken eggs.
  • Because of their insanely thick shells, duck eggs stay fresh longer.
  • Duck eggs are higher in Omega 3, Vitamin A and D, fatty acids, choline, folate, and iron than chicken eggs.
  • Chickens will lay well for 2 - 3 years then start to slow down while ducks continue to produce for 4-5 years.
  • Chicken eggs do come in a lot more colors
  • Ducks require more feed
(Backyard Chickens)

So there's the low down on duck vs chicken eggs.  Both are extremely healthy for you so which ever you prefer is a good choice.  Nothing beats fresh eggs!

What's my favorite?  Duck eggs for baking and scrambled eggs.  Chicken eggs for hard boiled and fried.  So there you have it... I have to have both ducks and chickens.

Ducks are extremely beautiful birds.  They are noisier and have to discuss everything. I do provide my ducks with water in the warm months.  I have Welch Harlequins and love them.  They can be sexed at birth by the color of their beaks.  Of all the breeds I've tried they lay the best.  They are excellent winter layers!

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