Danish Bullhead cabbage is a strain of an old Danish Amager variety |
Heirloom tomatoes are usually the star of the summer garden. However there are some less mentioned heirlooms that are proven winners in the garden and worth a try. These heirlooms make their appearance before tomatoes and some can be replanted for a fall garden.
Cour di Bue an old European ox heart type cabbage. |
Perfection Savoy Cabbage a pre- 1885 cabbage originating from France. Beautiful crumply leaves needs room to grow.
Yellow Pencil Pod beans are a favorite wax bean heirloom introduced in 1900's. Stringless and delicious. Also Royal Burgundy bush beans. A beautiful deep purple unfortunately they turn green when cooked but they a stunning. |
Jalepenos and Anaheim chili peppers are both very well known heirlooms. |
Black Beauty zucchini heirloom is a compact ever bearing bush type. Fordhook squash is also a classic dark green zucchini. |
Patisson Golden Marbre Scallop harvest young as a summer squash when its tender or left to mature and harvested as a winter squash.
Detroit beets, a classic heirloom, have been around since 1892 known for large smooth roots as well as greens. Golden beets, a personal favorite, are a 1828 heirloom that is exceptional sweet. If your are not a big fan of red beets definitely give this one a try.
St Valery carrots are a reliable heirloom. |
Waltham broccoli is a consist producer with exceptional flavor when grown in the fall.
Purple Vienna kohlrabi a lesser known and appreciated member of the cole family with tender sweet bulbs.